Purr-fect Playtime Haven
Welcome to the ultimate cat paradise! Our Indoor Multi-Level Cat Tower with Scratching Board and Feeder is designed to delight your feline friend with hours of entertainment and comfort.
Entertainment Galore
Watch your kitty explore new heights with our multi-level cat tower! Each platform provides a unique vantage point for your cat to survey their kingdom or enjoy a leisurely nap in the sun. With multiple levels to climb, your cat will never run out of new places to explore and conquer.
Scratch Away Stress
Say goodbye to shredded furniture and hello to our built-in scratching board! Covered in durable sisal material, this scratching board satisfies your cat’s natural urge to scratch while keeping your belongings safe. Encourage healthy scratching habits and protect your home with this essential feature of our cat tower.
Dining Delight
Keep your cat fueled and satisfied with our integrated feeder. Whether it’s mealtime or a quick snack, your cat will appreciate having easy access to food and water right in their play area. Plus, the elevated design promotes better digestion and reduces neck strain, ensuring your cat stays happy and healthy.

Target Species | Cat |
Product Dimensions | 17.72″L x 15.75″W x 49.61″H |
Breed Recommendation | All Breed Sizes |
Specific Uses For Product | Indoor |
Recommended Uses For Product | Indoor |
About this item
- Individual cat feeding bowl: Kittens are proud and cleanliness, a individual feeding bowl set up at a high place avoid the doggie’s disturb when cats are eating. It can also makes the cat feel respected
- Wide scratching board: Cats love grinding their claws. The scratching board on the cat tree add fun for scratch and protect the furniture suffer from the cats’ claws
- Stability is the primary consideration for a cat tower: Reinforced cat climbing frame base, sisal wrapped scratch posts and Anti-toppling devices ensures the security of active kittens and cats playing on the activity centre
- Ideal design of structure: Structure of the cat tree is designed according the climbing habits of cats. A springboard is add to help any age range cats to climb up and down
- Lazy cats favorite basket: Cats naturally like the feeling of being wrapped , which makes them feel safe, therefore a hanging basket are always necessary
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